So just what is different now? For one thing, the manner in which some new art is conceived lacks direction. This is of importance for the collector in determining which art to buy and even more so for the artist in determining what to create. Why should artists look for direction? Because the competition is intense in today's artworld, and because if you follow the herd that's exactly where you'll end up.  For example, at my studio/galleries in New York and San Francisco, I exhibited work by emerging and established artists and had the opportunity to discuss their art and their views with them on many subjects and occasions. Regardless of age or years in the arts, each artist seemed to be looking to the art world to see what was selling in order to know what to they should create and produce. This is a mistake for artists for a variety of reasons, mostly because what sells in the artworld is truly what is original (even the extreme -- think Damien Hirst).   If you're copying another artist in such a formulaic way your work will be recognized by those both trained and untrained as a plagerized work of lesser value. You sure won't find your way into art history or the 'blue chip' level, and for that very reason.
   Artists, the best direction is to study the world, then make sure your work reflects what you've seen. Collectors, buy work from artists who demonstrate artistic longevity (or the desire for same), who have plenty of documentation showing their development as an artist, artists whose works of art are evolving, and who produce outstanding work. Most importantly, buy the work because you love it.

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Direction for the 21st Century  p.4

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